Amphipagiton Junior High School taking part in activities against school violence

CORFU. The aim is to raise awareness among pupils, members of the school community, and society as a whole against violence in schools as well as in other institutional settings such as family, work, sports, etc.
Andreas Kalvos Amphipagiton Junior High School, in collaboration with the School Mediation Schools Network of the University of Ioannina Department of Education of Pre-school Teachers, as well as schools of all levels from all over the country and municipalities, will be putting on an event against school violence and bullying entitled "Breaking the Silence, Uniting Voices Against Violence" on March 6, from 10:30 to 11:15, at Pentofanaro in Liston.
The aim is to raise awareness among pupils, members of the school community, and society as a whole against violence in schools as well as in other institutional settings such as family, work, sports, etc.