Monday 03.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Corfu Masquerade 18th Treasure Hunt

treasure hunt
24 Feb 2025 / 13:02

CORFU. We would like to express our great disappointment that no one from the municipal authority was present to present the awards to the winners, despite the fact that several attended the preceding lyrical evening.

(Corfu Masquerade) On Saturday, the curtain fell on the 18th Treasure Hunt and the 4th Children's Treasure Hunt. The town square and historic centre were filled with colours and smiles as around 200 carnival participants roamed every alley, searching for hidden clues.

From two in the afternoon until seven, teams were making phone calls and asking passersby in an effort to find the answers to the game’s questions.

Questions that highlight the history, culture, people, scholars, traditions, buildings, customs, and folklore of this island.

The treasure hunt is a carnival celebration with an educational character, which, in the era of online media and social networks, is more necessary than ever.

Children fill the streets, organised into teams—running, playing, sweating, thinking, cooperating, competing, and having fun—away from screens and electronics, with painted smiles and the excitement of joy on their faces.

Our greatest satisfaction is seeing the smiles on these children’s faces.

Corfu Masquerade feels the need to once again thank all the sponsors who generously and willingly provided cash prizes as well as free meals for the winners and participants.

We hope you will continue to support this event.

A big thank you to the dance schools of Niki Giannou and Tonia Gassiali, who truly brought colour, energy, rhythm, and intensity to the performance in front of the Old Town Hall Square.

The young and adult dancers alike were truly impressive.

The warm applause from the audience is proof of this.

Fortunately, the municipal authority changed its stance this year and allowed these children to present their outstanding artistic choreographies, as last year it was deemed inappropriate.

Finally, we would like to apologise for the long delay, both to the children who participated and to their parents.

We are deeply sorry that your little ones had to wait in the cold.

It wasn’t just the treasure hunt participants who were left waiting, but also the approximately 200 dancers who arrived at 8:15 as agreed, only to find that the doors never opened. As a result, at around 8:45, the children and their teachers finally entered while another event was still in progress.

Additionally, we want to point out that the treasure hunt has been held at the same time and on the same day for the past 18 years, always concluding at 7:00 PM in the Old Town Hall Square.

This year, another event was scheduled at the same time.

It was an excellent event, but one that could have taken place on a different day or at a different time.

It is a shame to turn our backs on something that is organised for all children…

In closing, we express our great disappointment that no one from the municipal authority was present to hand out the awards to the winners, despite the fact that several officials attended the preceding lyrical evening.

It is worth noting that since the event’s inception in 2005, representatives of the municipal authority have always been there to present the awards to the children.

With the hope that things will be better next year, we wish you all a wonderful continuation of the carnival celebrations.

Photos: FB / Corfu Masquerade