Corfu Hospital administration proceeding with provision of doctors΄ accommodation

CORFU. Accommodation provided for the new nephrologist - Provision of seven additional apartments in a building owned by Corfu General Hospital.
The hospital administration's planning is underway to find a solution to the housing shortage, which is a significant deterrent in filling vacant positions for doctors.
A nephrologist who has been in Corfu for a few days will be housed in an apartment owned by the hospital, while temporarily accommodated at the hotel unit of the President of the Hoteliers' Association, Babis Voulgaris, according to the relevant decision of the Board of Directors published in Diavgeia.
Incentive to attract doctors
Although the position of assistant nephrologist has been approved for a year, there has been no application. As an attraction incentive, a nephrologist who was employed in another region was offered housing. The doctor was offered accommodation in a property owned by the hospital, which recently came into use after years of leasing.
It was renovated using the same means and equipped with the generous donation of equipment from the hotel business La Grotta Verde Corfu.
Seven apartments
Furthermore, to provide incentives to attract other doctors, an old building belonging to the hospital on Kolokotroni Street will be renovated, where seven apartments will be provided. The contract has been included in the contract recently signed with funding from the Recovery Fund, in the presence of Deputy Minister of Health, Irini Agapidaki.
The same contract for the project "Repair Works in Various Buildings of the General Hospital of Corfu" includes both the Day Centre and the Centre for Addiction Treatment Nikos Moros.
The contract amount is approximately €1,300,000 (including VAT), and the completion time is 16 months. The contracting authority is the 6th Health Region, and the active authority is the Hellenic Corporation of Assets and Participations (TAIPED)