School year to begin without school buses again

CORFU. The competition for school transportation in the Region is still in progress. Tourist coach owners have said that the school transport service will start only under two conditions.
For yet another year, Corfu parents and pupils will once again face the return to school on Monday, September 11th, without school buses. At least for the initial period, parents will have to take matters into their own hands and ensure the transportation of their children to and from school until the bus contractors are selected through the competition organised by the Ionian Islands Regional Authority.
The deadline for submitting proposals for participation in negotiations for the assignment of transportation services for 3,217 pupils expired on Wednesday, September 6th. According to reliable information received by Enimerosi, interest was ultimately expressed by 35 transport providers, with many of them indicating they could handle more than one route. The evaluation of their submissions by the competent three-member committee is currently underway. As of Friday afternoon, at least half of the submissions had been reviewed; however, in many cases, deficiencies in the documentation have been identified. The pupil transportation routes for this school year total 162, up from 156 last year, as the pupil population requiring transportation has increased by 244 children.
Way to go
However, the process still has a way to go before the signatures are finalised with the contractors. When the Competition Committee's result is determined, it must be sent to the Regional Procurement Department. Subsequently, the Finance Committee must convene to approve the outcome, allowing the contracting of the routes for which interest has been expressed and the announcement of any that remain vacant.
Still waiting...
Meanwhile, the owners of tourist buses, who remained unpaid last year, have declared that they will commence pupil transportation routes only under two conditions: the immediate payment of the entire amount owed for 2023 and the signing of the relevant contract for this year's routes.
"In order to start the school bus routes, the entire amount must be settled, and partial payments will not suffice," Panayiotis Mavropoulos, a member of Corfu Association of Tourist Coach Owners, told Enimerosi. "Some colleagues are under a lot of pressure due to the situation that arose last year. Also, we will need to sign for the new assignment. It will be difficult to have buses starting next week. If some companies do run routes, they will be very few and at their own risk."
According to information received from Deputy Regional Governor for Corfu, Kostas Zorbas, payment orders have, so far, only been issued for the first quarter of last year. Mr. Zorbas told Enimerosi that he expects to issue payment orders for the second quarter as well.
Parents concerned
However, parents closely following the matter do not hide their concern. "We are worried," Leonidas Trantos, President of Corfu Parents' Association told Enimerosi. "We know there is a problem. Every year, at least at the beginning of the school year, it seems that there is an issue. The ultimate solution to this major and complex problem of school transportation lies in the creation of a purely public entity responsible for the safe transportation of pupils."
Photo: Enimerosi archive