Animal welfare organisations "I Adopt" and "Nemesis" to join civil action regarding dead horse case

CORFU. They will call for immediate government intervention on the situation with horses and donkeys in our country.
The animal welfare organisations "I Adopt" Corfu and the Panhellenic Federation "Nemesis" are taking an active role in the case of the horse that died last Thursday in the town center.
As they announced, they will call for immediate government intervention and call on European and American organisations to put pressure in order to end the cruel treatment of animals.
They also announced that they will join a civil action in the charge against the horse and carriage owner, who was arrested following intervention of a public prosecutor.
Statement from the organisations:
Corfu must not become Santorini
The tragic and torturous death of the horse in Corfu in now known. Even though the horse was very ill, it was forced by its callous elderly owner to work every day in "inhumane" conditions, and he also whipped it when it was could not pull the carriage.
This cruel treatment can and must be characterised only as a felony because the owner knew the animal's condition and led it to death.
It is characteristic that the circumstances and reasons of its death caused the anger of the Deputy Prosecutor of the Supreme Court Anastasia Masoura.
Our animal welfare organisation "I Adopt" Corfu and the Panhellenic Federation "Nemesis" for the environment, animals and hunting, informed immediately that they will join a civil action to defend the charge against the carriage owner.
Our first actions were and are:
1. An immediate autopsy to determine the cause of death of the poor animal, which obviously could not withstand the heat and hardships, in the presence of a veterinarian that we trust.
2. Our two organisations will write to the Prime Minister, the competent ministers and the political parties to request their immediate intervention on the overall situation with equine animals in our country, especially the ones used in carriages.
4. They will demand for the umpteenth time the immediate abolition of this brutal and deadly for horses and donkeys activity throughout the country, starting with Santorini.
5. Our organisations will ask for compensation for carriage owners and whatever else is needed to help them to survive.
6. Our organisations are opposed to the taking of half-measures, especially in Santorini, but also in other cities, which are soon forgotten and the situation continues to the detriment of these animals for years.
7. Our two organisations will inform the large animal welfare organisations in Europe and America and ask for their drastic intervention. The current temperatures in our country are prohibitive for this profession and this is proven every year.
We say NO to the torture of these and all kinds of animals.
We say, ENOUGH.
For the Panhellenic Federation "Nemesis" for the environment, animals and hunting
The Head of the Federation
Natasa Bobolaki, lawyer
For the Corfu animal welfare ogranisation
Stami Tzora