Sunday 09.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Ionian Islands Museum Network growing

14 Feb 2022 / 11:00

Helmis Natural History Museum in Zakynthos is the first new member to be added to the Network.

The Ionian Islands Museum Network has been in operation for a year and has received applications from museums wishing to join.

The first new member to be accepted, by unanimous decision, is Helmis Natural History Museum in Zakynthos.

Having studied the Network's terms and conditions, Helmis Museum signed its acceptance and has been added to the Regional Network, which aims to create a joint cultural policy throughout the museums of the islands.

The founding members of the Network have welcomed the new member and are confident that it will contribute to the development of a fruitful collaboration and the strengthening of the role of the museums in the Ionian Islands.

You can learn more about the Ionian Islands Museum Network at its website:

And on social media: