Hellenic Survey of Geology and Mineral Exploration findings regarding floods in Corfu
Hellenic Survey of Geology and Mineral Exploration
27 Oct 2021
/ 18:13
CORFU. Apart from landslides, slope failures and issues regarding the water management were also recorded.
A team of the Hellenic Survey of Geology and Mineral Exploration (HSGME), which came to the island following an invitation of the Central Corfu and Diapontia Islands Mayor, announced this afternoon the first findings and the interventions that can be made to the areas that suffered damage due to the recent flood.
The Hellenic Survey of Geology and Mineral Exploration team is on our island since last Monday and, accompanied by the responsible Deputy Mayors, it went to all areas where damage has been recorded, in order to provide the Municipality with the necessary expert knowledge to deal with the problems.
The team told to Mayor Meropi Ydraiou, with whom it met today in the presence of the Deputy Mayor for Technical Works Nikos Kalogeros and Deputy Mayor for Cleaning Services Yannis Seremetis, that apart from landslides, slope failures and issues regarding the water management were also recorded.
The abovementioned team and the Special Public Works Service for Peloponnese team (which also came to Corfu last week) both came to the conclusion that landslides occur because the soil in the area is not rocky. A classified technique is also needed to deal with the problems. In any case, the Hellenic Survey of Geology and Mineral Exploration team is expected to present a technical report to the Municipality within the next few days, where they will detail the inspections they conducted, the conclusions and the necessary technical interventions to be made.
The Mayor asked the team to provide its expert knowledge and opinion on what technical works should be carried out in order to deal with the problems that have occurred and avoid further damage and destruction in the future. In fact, the Municipality, the Hellenic Survey of Geology and Mineral Exploration and the Ionian University agreed to collaborate, in order to install sensors to determine the condition of the soil in various areas of the Municipality and whether it is hazardous.
The Hellenic Survey of Geology and Mineral Exploration team thanked for the excellent cooperation it had with the Municipality's officials and the Presidents of the Local Communities and suggested techniques in order to immediately deal with the problems in each area.
Mayor Meropi Ydraiou thanked the Hellenic Survey of Geology and Mineral Exploration staff for their immediate response and said that their detailed and extensive technical report will enable the Central Corfu and Diapontia Islands Municipality to proceed to the necessary steps and actions to deal with the problems.
For this reason, as Mrs. Ydraiou stressed, the State must offer support both in terms of funding and expertise, in order to prepare the right studies and make the necessary interventions that will minimize any future damage.
The Hellenic Survey of Geology and Mineral Exploration team is on our island since last Monday and, accompanied by the responsible Deputy Mayors, it went to all areas where damage has been recorded, in order to provide the Municipality with the necessary expert knowledge to deal with the problems.
The team told to Mayor Meropi Ydraiou, with whom it met today in the presence of the Deputy Mayor for Technical Works Nikos Kalogeros and Deputy Mayor for Cleaning Services Yannis Seremetis, that apart from landslides, slope failures and issues regarding the water management were also recorded.
The abovementioned team and the Special Public Works Service for Peloponnese team (which also came to Corfu last week) both came to the conclusion that landslides occur because the soil in the area is not rocky. A classified technique is also needed to deal with the problems. In any case, the Hellenic Survey of Geology and Mineral Exploration team is expected to present a technical report to the Municipality within the next few days, where they will detail the inspections they conducted, the conclusions and the necessary technical interventions to be made.
The Mayor asked the team to provide its expert knowledge and opinion on what technical works should be carried out in order to deal with the problems that have occurred and avoid further damage and destruction in the future. In fact, the Municipality, the Hellenic Survey of Geology and Mineral Exploration and the Ionian University agreed to collaborate, in order to install sensors to determine the condition of the soil in various areas of the Municipality and whether it is hazardous.
The Hellenic Survey of Geology and Mineral Exploration team thanked for the excellent cooperation it had with the Municipality's officials and the Presidents of the Local Communities and suggested techniques in order to immediately deal with the problems in each area.
Mayor Meropi Ydraiou thanked the Hellenic Survey of Geology and Mineral Exploration staff for their immediate response and said that their detailed and extensive technical report will enable the Central Corfu and Diapontia Islands Municipality to proceed to the necessary steps and actions to deal with the problems.
For this reason, as Mrs. Ydraiou stressed, the State must offer support both in terms of funding and expertise, in order to prepare the right studies and make the necessary interventions that will minimize any future damage.