Saturday 21.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Corfu Hospital on the frontline against Covid-19 - Update on the Covid Unit for Wednesday 19 May

20 May 2021 / 07:40

CORFU. The pressure on the public health system and especially the hospital can be seen by the increase in hospitalisations and the vaccination programme.

On Wednesday evening, 19 May, there were 21 patients hospitalised in the Covid Unit and doctors and nurses are making heroic efforts to avoid having to intubate some of them in the ICU. Given that the Special Infectious Diseases Unit has 27 beds, an extension is being prepared in another wing in the Pulmonary Clinic and medical sources say that more difficult times lie ahead of us.

With regard to the vaccination programme, there are now 9 streams in operation at the hospital, putting even more pressure on the hospital as it is estimated that approximately 700 vaccinations are administered every day!

Relief is not expected until after 10 July, on the condition that the vaccination programme has progressed satisfactorily. This is dependent on how well the mega vaccination centre at the National Sports Centre indoor facility is organised. According to the Civil Protection General Secretariat, preparatory work is beginning this weekend so that it can start operating the following weekend - 29-30 May.

Throughout June there will be 14 - 18 streams operating simultaneously with 1,000 vaccinations being administered daily.

As long as there is a good response from the public and the centre operates satisfactorily, Deputy Regional Governor Kostas Zorbas believes that over 40,000 Corfu residents will be vaccinated by 10 July. Along with the other vaccination centres it is hoped that by mid-July 60 - 70% of the population will have been vaccinated, in line with the aims of the Blue Freedom programme.

Immunity and economic activity go hand in hand and business interests have expressed their willingness to fund a campaign to encourage people to get vaccinated. This has been passed on to the Civil Protection service and EODY and a local campaign is expected to begin soon.

Municipality and Tourist Professionals

Central Corfu Municipality released a statement yesterday regarding a meeting chaired by Meropi Ydraiou last Saturday with representatives from the Chamber of Commerce, the Trade Association, hotels, tourist accommodation, travel agents (AOCTA) and others.

According to the statement:

1. The Civil Protection Ministry did not place Corfu in the 'deep red' category but stated that special care was required in dealing with the pandemic due to the number of cases being recorded here along with several other areas of the country which are expecting a large number of visitors.

2. To ensure that the health measures are adhered to requires individual responsiblity from everyone and collective awareness.

3. A joint campaign is being created to encourage the local population to get vaccinated as quickly as possible for those involved in the production and tourism sectors and all citizens in general.

4. The Municipality, tourism and trade bodies will actively promote the 'Blue Freedom' programme for the mass vaccination of the population.

5. It was stressed that vaccination is the only weapon at the moment which can protect public health and the local economy in order for the tourist season, upon which local prosperity depends, to proceed as smoothly as possible.