Sunday 22.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

The latest situation at Corfu Hospital

22 Mar 2021 / 19:14

CORFU. There is still no great pressure on the health system in Corfu. There were 59 tests at the hospital on Monday, one of which was positive - contact tracing is underway and another test will be taken.

There are 4 patients hospitalised in the Special Infectious Diseases Unit on the 4th floor of Corfu Hospital and 1 patient in the ICU.

According to administrative sources, the administration of the second AstraZeneca shots has been proceeding for ten days now and despite the recent concern in Europe nobody has cancelled their appointment.

All the Diapontia Islands residents have received their second shots and all those in the hospital psychiatric units have received their first.

Only two private doctors, members of Corfu Medical Association, have responded to the call to assist the National Health Service at the hospital, but, according to the same sources, there is no great need at the moment, in contrast to Attica, where the system is under tremendous pressure. Nor has there been any request from the 6th Health Region for patients in Ioannina to be transferred to Corfu.

EODY in Corfu is focussing on contact tracing following the new cases, in the hope that the cases are not serious and will quickly recover out of hospital. As the situation is at the moment increased caution is required for at least the next ten days.

The 'mystery' of the difference in 4 cases between the 15 that came from Nymphes and the hospital on Saturday and the 11 that were announced by EODY on Sunday has been solved. What happened was that some people who had rapid tests on Friday took a PCR test on Saturday and so there were instances where the same cases were recorded twice.

The true confirmed figure for Sunday is 11, as announced by EODY - 8 from the Nymphes area and 3 from private microbiological labs.