New museum in Corfu Town - ΄Ionian University Museum Collections΄

10 Dec 2019
/ 08:47
CORFU. The Ionian University now has its own museum - ΄Ionian University Museum Collections΄.
The Ionian University now joins other European institutes which, since the 17th century have had University Museums - the best-known being the Ashmolean Museum at Oxford University. These museums are located in academic institutes and aim to spread knowledge and familiarise the academic community with museums.
Official website:
The Ionian University Museum is located in the University and includes the following collections:
Typography and Equipment
Exhibits connected with printing and the history of the book such as printing equipment, paper cutting equipment, book-binding, office equipment, printing tools and 4-colour printing plates.
Digital Culture and Arts
Virtual and augmented reality, 3D, audiovisual arts and cultural content.
Christos Karydis: Assistant Professor, Department of Environment - Member
The Museum aims to collaborate with similar institutes in Corfu, Greece and internationally as well as to join national and international university museum networks such as the European university museum network Universeum. The Ionian University Museum is already included the global organisation UMAC ((International Committee for University Museums and Collections).
In its first year of operation the Museum is already a partner in the City Trails research programme, which is funded by ESPA.
For organised visits:
Ionian University Museum Collections
Stavros Vlizos - Museum Director
Ionian University
I. Theotoki 72
26610 87428
[email protected]

Official website:
The Ionian University Museum is located in the University and includes the following collections:
Typography and Equipment
Exhibits connected with printing and the history of the book such as printing equipment, paper cutting equipment, book-binding, office equipment, printing tools and 4-colour printing plates.
History of Schools and Education
Original objects and archival content related to schools and education in Corfu.Digital Culture and Arts
Virtual and augmented reality, 3D, audiovisual arts and cultural content.
The Scientific Committee which be responsible for the Museum's operation comprises the following members:
Konstantinos Angelakos: Professor, Department of History - President
Stavros Vlizos: Assistant Professor, Department of Archives, Library Science and Museology - Museum Director
Konstantinos Economou: Associate Professor, Department of Informatics - Member
Elena Hamalidi: Assistant Professor, Department of Audio and Visual Arts - MemberKonstantinos Angelakos: Professor, Department of History - President
Stavros Vlizos: Assistant Professor, Department of Archives, Library Science and Museology - Museum Director
Konstantinos Economou: Associate Professor, Department of Informatics - Member
Christos Karydis: Assistant Professor, Department of Environment - Member
In its first year of operation the Museum is already a partner in the City Trails research programme, which is funded by ESPA.
For organised visits:
Ionian University Museum Collections
Stavros Vlizos - Museum Director
Ionian University
I. Theotoki 72
26610 87428
[email protected]