Launch of RyTHM programme - Connecting Cultural Assets through Monuments

Antiquities Inspectorate
06 Feb 2019
/ 10:25
CORFU. On Friday 8 February at 17:00 Corfu Inspectorate of Antiquities is organizing the opening event for this cross-border project.
"RyTHM - Fostering Creativity and Connecting Cultural Assets through Monuments at Corfu Archaeological Museum (Armeni-Vraila 1).
The leading partner of the project is Corfu Inspectorate of Antiquities. Other RyTHM partners are Corfu Municipal & Regional Theatre and the Municipality of Phoenice in Albania.
The project will include promotion of and accessibility to the Savorgnan Bastion and the Contrafossa sea moat at the Old Fortress as well as the complete renovation and operation of the Municipality of Phoenice cultural centre in Livadia, Albania. Promotional activities for the two locations will include exhibitions and artistic events organized by Corfu Municipal Theatre.
The RyTHM project is part of the Priority 2 "Promotion of the Local Economy" project in the IPA II CBC "Greece-Albania 2014-2020" Cross-Border Collaboration Programme with a budget of 651,620 Euros.
The leading partner of the project is Corfu Inspectorate of Antiquities. Other RyTHM partners are Corfu Municipal & Regional Theatre and the Municipality of Phoenice in Albania.
The project will include promotion of and accessibility to the Savorgnan Bastion and the Contrafossa sea moat at the Old Fortress as well as the complete renovation and operation of the Municipality of Phoenice cultural centre in Livadia, Albania. Promotional activities for the two locations will include exhibitions and artistic events organized by Corfu Municipal Theatre.
The RyTHM project is part of the Priority 2 "Promotion of the Local Economy" project in the IPA II CBC "Greece-Albania 2014-2020" Cross-Border Collaboration Programme with a budget of 651,620 Euros.