Thursday 19.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Ionian Islands Regional Governor visits Zakynthos

26 Oct 2018 / 13:01

ZAKYNTHOS. Regional Governor Theodoros Galiatsatos and a team from Athens visited the island to inspect the damage and get a clear picture of the situation.

Theodoros Galiatsatos went to Zakynthos as soon as possible following the strong earthquake early this morning.

The Regional Governor confirmed that recording of the damage has already begun and estimated that they will have a clear picture of the situation by the evening.

According to information, Mr. Galiatsatos will attend a meeting this evening with the Mayor of Zalynthos Pavlos Kolokotsas and representatives from all the bodies involved to assess the situation and draw up a plan to tackle the consequences of the earthquake.

According to the media, Civil Protection forces have been moblised and the Special Disaster Respons Units (EMAK) and the Fire Service are in a state of readiness. They are being joined in Zakynthos by a team comprising the Civil Protection Secretary Yiannis Tafillis, the special secretary for Crisis Management Communications at the Ministry for Digital Policy, Telecommunications and Information Fotini Pantiora, the President of OASP Efthimis Lekkas as well as members of the Emergency Needs Planning and Response Administration from the General Secretariat of the Civil Protection. There is also a team of engineers to inspect the buildings and record damage.

The President of the Earthquake Planning and Protection Organization (OASP) praised the way the island had withstood the earthquake: "I was concerned about Zakynthos, but they withstood it," he said, adding that if the earthquake had been closer to the islan, "we would have had big problems. It was fortunate that most of the energy of the strong earthquake was released in the sea south of Zakynthos towards Italy."

Mr Lekkas also said that were expecting aftershocks "even as strong as 5.8 or 5.9 Richter".

The Mayor of Zakynthos Pavlos Kolokotsas, who has been at the centre of operations right from the start, called it an "unprecedented earthquake" but with limited material damage due to the island's earthquake protection measures.

PHOTO CREDITS; Nikos Mousouras