Friday 04.10.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Residents-in-waiting barred from entering social housing estate in Ag. Ioannis

social housing
11 Mar 2018 / 12:51

CORFU. Following an altercation with the site manager the police came.

Tensions ran high on Sunday morning at the partly-completed social housing estate in Ag. Ioannis when the residents’ association tried to enter the site to hold a meeting. They found the entrance blocked by a mechanical digger and the site manager told them that it was forbidden to enter.

‘Words’ were exchanged and things heated up as the future residents consider it their right to have their yearly Association meetings on the site. Residents then called the police.

“They told us that the work would be finished by 18th December 2017 and now they don’t even let us into our own homes,” the President of the ‘Adriana Koskina’ Association told Enimerosi. “The work is progressing extremely sluggishly – one step forward, two steps back. It’s obvious that connecting the sewerage to the biological treatment plant at Skafonas isn’t practicable but we aren’t being told anything – either by the DEYAK Director, Alekos Faitas, or the Mayor.”