Friday 20.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Seamen complain about dangerous work being carried out while ferry boats are sailing

ferry services
05 Feb 2018 / 13:24

CORFU. The Corfu Seamen’s Union has received repeated complaints from passengers and seamen about maintenance work being carried out while the ferry boats are sailing.

As well as this dangerous and illegal practice, the seamen have also complained that the agreement regarding the rotation system for night services is not being kept.

Seamen’s Union Announcement

“Despite our repeated complaints about maintenance work being carried out while ferry boats are sailing between Corfu and Igoumenitsa, not only has this practice – which is completely illegal – not been discontinued, but has actually increased and we repeatedly receive complaints from passengers and workers.

We cannot understand why the offences are not seen. Are the checks inadequate? For what reason is there such an inability to spot these offences? The coercion of workers into carrying out maintenance work at risk to themselves while the ferry boats are sailing must cease. Maintenance work should be carried out while the ships are in dock - there is up to 5 months available for this. It shouldn’t be done when there are crowds of passengers and no access to the public areas and life boats.

Furthermore, the rotation system for night services, despite the initial agreement and application, is no longer being implemented. There are some ships that are permanently on night service, and often without electricity as the existing supply is inadequate for the ships and the crew’s accommodation is insufficient.”