Sunday 30.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Ferrari Road Show: A ΄Red Hurricane΄ in Spianada in Corfu Town

11 Jun 2018 / 09:50

CORFU. Today and tomorrow one the sights in Corfu will be the display of luxury Ferrari cars in Spianada Square by Liston.

The shiny cars started arriving on the island on Sunday evening following a stop in Ioannina.

A look of disbelief could be seen on the faces of those who chanced to see one in the street!

About 30 luxury Ferraris are parked in the Lower Square drawing all those around to come and admire them at close quarters. Several are getting into the closed off area and taking selfies with the 'Red Hurricane'!

There will be several events during the 2-day Road Show,  Customers of participating shops in town will be able to take part in a draw, where the lucky winners will be co-drivers in a Ferrari in the coming event.

There will also be a 'Best Ferrari' competition in which the public will be able to vote for the best Ferrari on show, with the winning prize a 3-day trip for two to Maranello in Italy.
The organizers say that the aim is to gain international recognition for the event and to make it an annual happening with fresh ideas every year (e.g. bringing the Formula 1 Scuderia Ferrari, the Ferrari FXX-K racing car and having former international Formula 1 racing drivers participating in the event etc.). They also hope that it can aid the economic and tourist development of the island - promoting it internationally and attracting more visitors.

See more photos here.