Σάββατο 29.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Installation of the biogas system has begun at Temploni

waste management
14 Ιουνίου 2018 / 13:57

CORFU. After many years, the contract for Energy Recovery and utilization of generated biogas at Temploni landfill has been ΄revived΄.

According to Corfu Solid Waste Management Association (SYDISA), the contract was signed on 26/2/2013 by Corfu SYDISA and the company Energy and Environmental Applications Consultants A.E. (A.K.Katris).

Within the framework of a) utilization of biogas with energy recovery through installations for the production of electrical energy and b) protection of the immediate environment, the aforementioned company is installing the necessary system for collection and extraction of biogas from the waste in such a way as to achieve the optimum extraction.

This includes developing vertical wells, collection substations, primary and secondary network systems for the transfer of biogas with a horizontal netwrok of pipes. This work is being done in accordance with a) the valid environmental regualtions as approved in the contract and any amendments that there may be and b) the approved construction studies for the biogas collection system in the 3 units in the facility.

The biogas unit has been put in position and in the next few days the technicians will set it up, train the personnel and begin trial operations.