Incineration of waste is provided for in the Regional Waste Management Plan (PESDA)

Gareth Morgan
11 Dec 2018
/ 12:14
By Gareth Morgan

The Municipality is aware of the proposal (, but is concerned that incineration is illegal in Greece.
From 1985 to 2000 it was indeed against government policy to incinerate municipal waste, but the new Greek National Waste Management Plan, 2015, changed a 30 year old policy to include energy recovery by incineration in preference to dumping waste as landfill.
3.2.1 (7) "Recovering energy in a complementary role when the limits of any other kind of recovery are exhausted,"
This is in keeping with the "waste hierarchy" in article 4 of Directive 2008/98/EC of the European Parliament, which puts energy recovery before disposal.
(a) prevention
(b) preparing for re-use
(c) recycling
(d) other recovery, e.g. energy recovery; and
(e) disposal.
Paragraph 15 of the Joint Ministerial Decision for the Strategic Environmental Impact Assessment (SEPA) of the Ionian Islands PECA also requires local authorities "to maximize the deflection of disposal in landfills and to process and exploit residues from management units."
The Local plan for Corfu includes two waste treatment plants to carry out various processes including sorting, washing, baling and composting.
To comply with government policy the waste treatment processes must also include energy recovery from any waste that cannot be recycled.
The proposed waste processing "factories" could recover about 15% of the waste for recycling, at a cost of €33 million and it would take years to build.
The incineration equipment could be installed in less than six months, burn all of the residue and would cost just €5 million. People in other European countries cannot understand why Corfu is planning to dump thousands of tons of garbage in illegal landfill sites instead.
Gareth Morgan