Friday 07.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Issue of Corfu water supply reaches PM΄s office

Με τον γ.γ. υδάτων, υπουργείο περιβάλλοντος, Πέτρο Βαρελίδη: Προσανατολιζόμαστε όσον αφορά στην Κέρκυρα, στη δημιουργία υπερτοπικής ΔΕΥΑ!
06 Nov 2024 / 10:27

ATHENS. It is considered to be a unique case in Greece of long-standing mismanagement, and thus requires an original solution!!!

Corfu stands as a distinct case of chronic mismanagement, at least according to the Ministry of Environment, particularly regarding water resources! Perhaps the same goes for sewage too... And this is how our scheduled meeting with the Secretary General for Natural Environment and Water, Petros Varelidis, began on Tuesday afternoon at his office.

He was straightforward. The Municipal Water and Sewerage Company (DEYA) is drowning in debt. And how could it not be, since it’s failing to collect revenue by not regularly issuing bills, he asked rhetorically. He’s an experienced figure in the ministry, having served there for a long time, previously as a specialist, and not necessarily affiliated solely with the current government.

The unique case of Corfu and the dam projects will be the focus of a meeting scheduled for next Monday, November 11, at the Maximos Mansion under the chairmanship of the Deputy Minister to the Prime Minister, Thanasis Kontogeorgis. The water supply project for Corfu itself remains, according to our interlocutor, a government priority, yet they are seeking new funding sources. This is due to a rise in costs, which, despite being accounted for in the announcement, means the discussions must restart from scratch. This echoes the Prime Minister’s statements during the summer about Corfu's water issues while inaugurating water projects in Lefkada.

There is a need for over 6 billion euros nationwide for water supply and sewage projects, prompting the search for private funding by all means.

As for the bill that will establish new regulations for water supply and sewage management, it’s expected to be submitted within the next two weeks (by November 20 at the latest, he said). Another discussion on this topic is set to take place during the upcoming Central Union of Greek Municipalities conference, which begins on November 7 in Rhodes. However, there won’t be a text yet; it will be another working discussion, added the Secretary General. The bill will then be released for public consultation as planned.

The central idea is one DEYA (municipal water and sewage company) per former prefecture. But here again, Corfu is an exception. The government is leaning toward creating a regional water company to address what it sees as a 'clientelist' and ultimately destructive relationship. In this context, there’s even consideration for a joint DEYA for Corfu and Cephalonia! We may be thirsty, but at least we won’t be bored with this story!


Photo: Enimerosi