Memorandum of Cooperation signed by Municipality and British Embassy for British Cemetery

CORFU. Central Corfu Mayor: "Protection of the historical section. We are also preparing its re-opening for burials and the cemetery is open for visits."
The issue of the management and administration of the British Cemetery in Corfu was officially sealed on Friday morning, after having been confirmed months ago that it falls under the jurisdiction of the Municipality of Central Corfu.
At the historic San Giacomo Old Town Hall, the British Ambassador to Greece, Matthew Lodge, arrived at 11:00 a.m. to sign a memorandum of cooperation and understanding with Mayor Stefanos Poulimenos between the British Embassy and the Municipality for this important cemetery, located in the area of Saviour's Hill. The cemetery has existed since the early 19th century to serve the needs of UK citizens residing on the island of Corfu. Military personnel have also been buried there under the care of the Commonwealth War Graves Commission.
In fact, it is the most visited British cemetery in Greece.
Matthew Lodge: Excellent maintenance of site
Prior to the meeting, Mr. Lodge visited the British Cemetery, commenting on its excellent maintenance and stated that cooperation with the Municipality has been established to ensure a stable future and organisation of the site. "On behalf of the Embassy and my government, we are pleased to collaborate with the Municipality of Central Corfu for the maintenance and care of the cemetery," said the British Ambassador.
Mayor Stefanos Poulimenos also recently conducted an inspection of the site, and said that the historical section must be protected at all costs. He mentioned that an operational regime has been established, allowing visits from locals and tourists, while ensuring the care and maintenance of the broader area. "At the same time, we are preparing for its reopening, in accordance with Greek law, to make the site functional for burials," he added.
What preceded the Memorandum
The responsibility for the management of the cemetery was undertaken by the Municipality last year. This followed an order from the British Foreign Office to local embassies to clarify the legal status of properties with unclear ownership, such as the case of the British Cemetery in Corfu. The investigation revealed that, legally, the ownership of the cemetery belongs to the Municipality of Central Corfu and that the UK government does not have an official legal title. It also became clear that, according to Greek law, the local municipality is responsible for the operation of all active cemeteries, including the British Cemetery. Thus, discussions with the Municipality of Central Corfu began in 2023 to agree on an appropriate roadmap.
The local elections in early October caused a temporary halt in the discussions, but essential work for the health and safety of the site continued in collaboration with the Municipality to ensure the cemetery remains safe for visitors. The discussions with the Municipality resumed after the local elections.
Provisions of the Memorandum
By signing the memorandum, the two parties agree to establish a framework of cooperation between them, in order to contribute through their joint actions to:
The smooth transition of the administration and management of the cemetery and the building located within it to the municipality, as provided by the applicable legislation.
The preservation of the historical character of the cemetery and the promotion of the shared historical memory of the two peoples.
The assurance of uninterrupted access for the Commonwealth War Graves Commission to the military monuments located in the cemetery, for which it will care along with the municipality to maintain their proper condition.
To fulfill the objectives and actions derived from the memorandum, the two parties undertake the following:
I. The embassy will hand over to the municipality all records concerning the operation of the cemetery as well as all the spaces within it, with a relevant handover protocol to be drafted for this purpose.
II. The municipality has already assumed the daily security, care, and maintenance of the site and the monuments located there.
III. The municipality has undertaken to ensure the status of the family monuments currently in the cemetery.
IV. The municipality will jointly care for the military monuments located in the cemetery with the Commonwealth War Graves Commission and may enter into a related agreement if deemed necessary.
V. Both parties commit to jointly seek ways to enhance the site and preserve the historical memory associated with it.
Photos / Videos: Enimerosi