Sunday 02.06.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

16.5% increase in international flight arrivals this April

30 Apr 2024 / 10:17

CORFU. Corfu Airport welcomed a total of 474 international flight arrivals in April, compared to 407 in the same month last year, according to Dimitris Roussos, President of the Civil Aviation Employees Union.

As always, British flights are top of the list with 207 flights (156 in April 2023). From Germany, there were 109 (89), from France 42 (25), Poland 33 (41), Italy 25 (17), Belgium 20 (9), the Netherlands 14 (15), Spain 10 (9), Switzerland 7 (3), and Ireland 7 (8).

This April, there were no flights from Slovakia (13 last year), Croatia (8), and Austria (13).