Tuesday 24.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Ionian University establishing first two spin-off companies

08 Jan 2024 / 14:30

CORFU. The companies are being set up to exploit research results and information and communications technologies.

With two significant decisions made by the Ionian University Dean's Council, a new period of strengthening the institution's outward orientation begins with an emphasis on the diffusion of research and knowledge. The first two spin-off companies of the Ionian University are being established: Ionian TechnoMedia, focusing on digital communication, and Smart SensIon, specialising in technologies for civil protection and the primary sector.

Spin-offs are companies founded to exploit research results from research centres and universities.

Regarding the establishment of these spin-offs, Professor Andreas Floros, the Dean, stated that they "constitute tangible proof of the excellent work being done at the Ionian University in the fields of research and application development with innovative characteristics and intense utilisation of information and communication technologies. Moreover, the engagement of these specific companies in the Ionian Islands Region is of particular significance, highlighting the central role of the University in fostering entrepreneurship in the region and supporting the local community."

Ionian TechnoMedia was created on the initiative of Professor Andreas Yiannakoulopoulos, from the Department of Audio and Visual Arts, with the participation as founding partners of the EDIP member Stella Lampoura and postdoctoral researcher Minas Pergantis.

The development of the company's products and services is based on an innovative software, information, and file architecture that, through a centrally organised content management system, allows the construction and hosting of multiple interconnected websites. Ionian TechnoMedia will be involved in the creation, management, and hosting of applications and content on the internet, as well as in the broader field of digital and hybrid communication.



Smart SensIon was created on the initiative of Professor Markos Avlonitis from the Department of Computer Science, with the participation as founding partners of Associate Professor Yiannis Karydis and collaborator Yiannis Vlachos. The technological innovation of the company focuses on the design and development of low-cost smart hardware, consisting of arrangements of low-cost sensor devices either with innovative architecture for direct measurement of known variables or for indirect measurement through innovative smart methodologies. It also involves the design and development of software for processing and predicting the evolution of complex data.

The establishment of the spin-offs was based on the corresponding positive recommendations of the Research Committee, as well as the significant preparatory work carried out by the Technology Transfer Office, especially by its Director, Associate Professor Themistoklis Exarchos, and the Head of Strategic Commercial Exploitation and Business Development Support, Associate Professor Naoum Mylonas.

The procedures for the establishment of the two companies have been completed both formally and substantively, and their initial steps are expected soon, including the presentation and promotion of products and services, followed by the first results of their business activities.