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Work stoppages in protest against government secondary healthcare bill

30 Nov 2022 / 11:41

CORFU. Public and private sectors are protesting - Work stoppages at the hospital and rally on Thursday 1 December.

Both public and private medical sectors are protesting against the Health Ministry bill and giving their support to the Federation of Hospital Doctors (OENGE) protest on Thursday 1 December.

Public Health Centre unions, Corfu Medical Association, ADEDY (Civill Servants' Union) and Corfu Workers Centre have issued statements denouncing the secondary healthcare bill and in particular the article abolishing the exclusive contracts of public hospital doctors, allowing them to also work in the private sector.

ADEDY has announced a work stoppage from 12:00 until 15:00 and is calling members to join the protest rally at the hospital at 12:00 calling on the immediate withdrawal of the bill.

EGESYK (Corfu Public Hospital Doctors' Union) issued a statement saying: "We demand the immediate withdrawal of the abominable bill! OENGE and its members with a unanimous decision and the Panhellenic Medical Association and its member Associations are publicly and clearly declaring that they are against the bill."

Corfu Hospital Psychiatric Department Employees' Union issued a statement saying: "This bill allows part-time work at the hospital by private doctors, which will lead to danger for hospitalised patients and the 'touting for business' to get patients to come to their private clinics.

"Along with the beginning of paid evening surgeries, this will make access to FREE hospital health services prohibitive for the majority of patients - even though they have paid for their healthcare through their taxes and insurance contributions.

"In this way the illegal 'cash envelopes' are being legalised and patients will have to pay for their health. The only ones benefitting from this bill are the large clinic owners and the powerful doctors, whereas the majority of doctors will continue working in the worst pay, work and scientific conditions."

Corfu Workers Centre

The Workers Centre is calling for the mass participation of workers in the protest at the hospital on Thursday in order to send a strong message to the government. The centre has announced a work stoppage on Thursday 1 December from 11:30 until 16:00 to allow those who wish to take part in the protest rally.