Monday 16.09.2024 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Illegally parked cars obstructed ambulance - and drivers shouted at paramedics!

21 Sep 2022 / 11:22

CORFU. The paramedics were verbally abused by angry drivers who couldn΄t get past!

There was an incredible incident in the Campiello district on Monday demonstrating the callous attitude of some people. For the umpteenth time the ambulance which rushed to help an elderly person was unable to access the area due to illegally parked vehicles.

Giving priority to human lives, the paramedics parked in front of the Kokkini alley in order to provide assistance to the patient but when they returned they came face to face with angry drivers who couldn't get past!

The Ambulance Service Employees Union sent a letter relating the incident and demanding that the Municipality, the Technical Works Department and Traffic Police finally do something about the illegal parking which obstructs emergency services.

"At around 14:00 yesterday, 19 September, the EKAB (Ambulance Service) received a call regarding an elderly woman in Sophoklis Dousmani St and Kokkini alley in the Campiello district who required immediate medical attention.

An EKAB unit went to the location immediately but yet again was unable to gain access due to illegally parked vehicles and a lorry with a crew of workers.

The ambulance crew, giving priority to the person who was in immediate need of assistance, parked in front of the Kokkini alley and rushed to bring the woman to the ambulance.

On their return the paramedics were verbally abused by those who wanted to get past and jeered by the workers from the lorry which was parked there, who shouted that their mother and father should buy them sheep because they had closed the road.

We request that you take action to ensure access for emergency vehicles - an issue which we have brought up on countless previous occasions.

We condemn the verbal abuse directed at the ambulance crew and the unseemly behaviour of those present."

Christos Kypriotis - President
Gerasimos Roditis - Secretary