Friday 07.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Electromobility Plan to be prepared in Corfu

Electromobility Plan
06 Apr 2022 / 20:02

CORFU. The Central Corfu Municipality is inviting citizens to express their views on where the electric vehicle charging stations should be placed.

Announcement from the Department of Technical Works:
In the context of the development of electromobility throughout the country and the expansion of the use of low and zero emission vehicles, the country's Municipalities are obliged to prepare Electric Vehicle Charging Plans (EVCPs).
An Electric Vehicle Charging Plan concerns the identification of suitable locations for the deployment of charging points for standard or high power Electric Vehicles (EVs), as well as parking spaces for EVs, within each Municipality. The EVCPs will basically be Road Maps for the identification of suitable locations for public parking spaces and charging points for electric vehicles. This is a prerequisite for the creation of such infrastructure in Greece, in order to encourage people to buy more electric vehicles, which will contribute to improving air quality within urban centres and residential areas.
Following the Green Fund's call for the submission of proposals, as part of the Funding Programme ‘Environmental Balance Actions 2020’ under Priority Axis 4 ‘Electric Vehicle Charging Plans (EVCPs)’, the Central Corfu and Diapontia Islands Municipality submitted a proposal for the preparation of a study, which was approved and included in the Funding Programme.
Following a short tender, the contract was awarded to the company TREDIT SA
The project ‘Central Corfu and Diapontia Islands Municipality’s Electric Vehicle Charging Plan (EVCP)’ concerns the identification of suitable locations for the deployment of charging points for standard or high power Electric Vehicles (EVs), as well as parking spaces for EVs. It is being carried out by the Greek Municipalities and concerns the area within their administrative boundaries.
The EVCP for the Central Corfu and Diapontia Islands Municipality includes the following stages:
Stage 1: Analysis and mapping of the existing situation, as well as creation of plans for the possible location of charging stations and parking spaces for electric vehicles and documentation of why these are the best locations.
Stage 2: Participative consultation processes.
Stage 3: Completion and implementation of the EVCP.
Stage 1 of the Central Corfu and Diapontia Islands Municipality's EVCP has been successfully completed and, in particular, three alternative scenarios for the creation of a network of charging stations for electric vehicles have been developed. After the scenarios had been evaluated, one of the three scenarios is being proposed as the best of them and, in this consultation, the proposed location of the charging stations and the detailed methodology applied will be presented.
The public consultation aims to involve the local community as much as possible in the process of identifying charging station locations. Through this action, the aim is to find the best possible locations. Therefore, it is useful and necessary to have the cooperation of all the responsible bodies operating in the Municipality, as well as the citizens who live, work or visit the Municipality.
We are therefore calling citizens to actively participate in the public consultation and express their views on where the electric vehicle charging stations should be placed.
For further information you can visit You can also fill in a short questionnaire at In this link you can also find the proposed locations of the chargers.
The stage of the public consultation will run until 15 April 2022.
The Central Corfu and Diapontia Islands Municipality, in its effort to create an active and dynamic network of people, who will discuss and co-shape the future, would like everyone to participate and support this effort for the effective preparation of the plan.