Lifelong Learning Centre from the Central Corfu Municipality

Lifelong Learning Centre
08 Dec 2021
/ 16:37
CORFU. Free training in modern subjects – Those interested will be able to choose among seven programmes.
The Central Corfu Municipality Lifelong Learning Centre offers free training in modern subjects related to tourism, foreign languages and the internet. The courses are addressed to adults, regardless of their country of origin, age and education, as well as to members of vulnerable social groups and will take place at the Corfu 6th Junior High School.
The deadline for applications remains open. The Municipal Councillor responsible for Education Maria Zervou said in a press conference that the project is co-funded by Greece and the European Union (European Social Fund) through the Operational Programme ‘Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning’.
The programmes
In particular, those interested will have the opportunity to choose between the following programmes: word processing and internet (introductory programme for computers), English for tourism, German for tourism, work stress management and work life balance, new alternative crops, recycling and composting, alternative forms of tourism, sports tourism.
According to the Central Corfu Municipality Consultant for lifelong learning Andreas Chatziandreou, these are short and flexible 25-hour programmes - except for the computer programme which is 50 hours. Once the trainees successfully complete the training, they will receive a training certificate.
The maximum number of people per class is 20 and the minimum is 15, and those interested will be notified by the centre when a class is formed. “There will also be distance learning courses via computer, in addition to in-person courses.
For the in-person courses the trainees will have to have a vaccination certificate, a recovery certificate or a 48-hour rapid test,” he explained.
Those interested to participate can either go to the Community Centre (Stamatiou Desylla 6) or visit the Central Corfu Municipality website ( For further information you can call 2661045923.
The deadline for applications remains open. The Municipal Councillor responsible for Education Maria Zervou said in a press conference that the project is co-funded by Greece and the European Union (European Social Fund) through the Operational Programme ‘Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning’.
The programmes
In particular, those interested will have the opportunity to choose between the following programmes: word processing and internet (introductory programme for computers), English for tourism, German for tourism, work stress management and work life balance, new alternative crops, recycling and composting, alternative forms of tourism, sports tourism.
According to the Central Corfu Municipality Consultant for lifelong learning Andreas Chatziandreou, these are short and flexible 25-hour programmes - except for the computer programme which is 50 hours. Once the trainees successfully complete the training, they will receive a training certificate.
The maximum number of people per class is 20 and the minimum is 15, and those interested will be notified by the centre when a class is formed. “There will also be distance learning courses via computer, in addition to in-person courses.
For the in-person courses the trainees will have to have a vaccination certificate, a recovery certificate or a 48-hour rapid test,” he explained.
Those interested to participate can either go to the Community Centre (Stamatiou Desylla 6) or visit the Central Corfu Municipality website ( For further information you can call 2661045923.