Wednesday 12.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

What’s on (Exhibitions-Theatre-Events)

27 Apr 2019 / 05:28

CORFU. Find out what΄s on in Corfu this weekend.

Saturday 27th & Sunday 28th

Corfu Easter 2019 - Programme of events in Corfu Town

Easter Saturday

06:00 Church of Virgin Mary ton Xenon (strangers) located at Plakada (Saint Spyridon square): the earthquake that preceded Christ’s Resurrection is artificially recreated.

09:00 Church of Saint Spyridon. This is the only day of the year that St Spyridon’s Epitaphios procession is combined with a Litany of the Saint’s holy relics. Dating back to the mid-16th century, this is the oldest and most awe-inspiring litany. It commemorates the incident when the Saint saved his people from starvation, by redirecting ships loaded with wheat to Corfu after his apparition appeared to the captain. The long procession moves to the funereal tunes of the three philharmonic bands.  The ‘Old’ Band play the funeral march from Faccio’s Opera ‘Amleto’, the ‘Blue’ band play de Michelis’ funeral march ‘Calde Lacrimae’ (Hot tears) and the Capodistrias Band play from Beethoven’s funeral march from the Eroica Symphony. After the end of the Litany, the Saint’s holy relics lie in repose outside the door of the crypt in Saint Spyridon Church until Easter Tuesday. This is another old tradition, probably having its roots in Constantinople when the Saint's relics were still there. In the years when the island was under Venetian rule the three days when the Saint was 'outside the door' were considered days of asylum.

11.00 – The first Resurrection. After the end of the morning service at the Orthodox Cathedral, church bells around town signal what we call the “First Resurrection” and according to custom, people all over the island hurl clay pots ("botides" in the Corfiot dialect) from windows and balconies which crash noisily on the streets below.

11:01 Another old custom of Corfu Town residents is the “mastella”, a great half barrel placed at the heart of the town, Pinia. The barrel is filled with water and decorated with myrtle and palm leaves. Passers-by throw coins in it and make a wish. When the church bells ring at 11 a.m. the person standing closest to the barrel is pushed into it. As compensation for getting soaked to the bone on a day like this, he gets all the money in the barrel.  (Organized by Corfu Events Organization)

21:00 Easter Vigil Devotional at the Catholic Cathedral (Duomo) with ecclesiastical music and choir and officiated by the Catholic Archbishop Ioannis Spiteris. The ceremony ends at 23:00

22:00 Reception of the Holy Fire from the Holy Sepulchre. This takes place at the Pentofanaro (Liston) in the presence of local dignitaries. The Holy Fire is taken to the Church of Saint Paraskevi where the Devotional for the Resurrection begins, led by the Archbishop Nektarios of Corfu. Recently the ceremony has been established for the reception of the Holy Fire by the Catholic Archbishop from the Orthodox Archbishop during the procession to the Church of Saint Paraskevi in Porta Remounda.

23:00 Commencement of the Devotional Vigil for the Resurrection at the Church of Saint Paraskevi, near the Upper Square.

23:40 The procession sets out from the Church of Saint Paraskevi towards the stage in the Upper Square led by the Archbishop of Corfu Nektarios. The Resurrection is celebrated there and ‘Christos Anesti’ (Christ is Risen) is chanted and the three Philharmonic Bands play in a spectacular atmosphere. There are Resurrection services in the following churches: St. Spyridon, All Saints, Virgin Mary ton Xenon, Saint Iasonas and Sosipatros, Three Holy Martyrs, Dormition of Holy Mary belonging to the Mamalos family, Saint Constantine and Helen (Koulines), All Saints (Gouvia) and the following monasteries: Platyteras, Saint Efthimia, Kassopitras (Kanoni) and Saint Theodoros (Stratia).

Easter Sunday (28/4)

09:00 – 11:00 Most churches in Corfu hold the Holy Resurrection Liturgy based on the old tradition. There is also a litany with an icon of the Lord’s Resurrection according to Byzantine tradition as is also done in the Aegean Islands and in the Slav Orthodox countries.

Processions with the Resurrection Icon in Corfu Town
07.30 - Church of Saint Sophia in the Jewish quarter
07.45 - Metropolitan Church Spilaiotissis (Spilia) / Church of All Saints (Agion Panton) / Church of Saint Paraskevi in Porta Remounda.
08:10 Church of Saint Eleftherios (Kofinetta)
08.15 - Church of Saint Spyridon (San Rocco Square-Kotsela)
08.30 - Church of the Assumption in Analipsi (Kanoni) / St. George in Mantouki / Church of Virgin Mary ton Xenon (strangers) in Plakada (Saint Spyridon square) / Church of Holy Virgin Mary Vlahernon (Garitsa)
08.45 - Church of Saint Vasilios in Pinia.
09.00 - Church of Saint Antonios in Spilia / St. Ioannis in Piazza / Church of Saint Nikolaos (Cambiello)
10.00 - Church of Saint Spiridon in Plakada with the 'Old' Corfu Philharmonic Band playing Wagner’s ‘Tannhäuser’ and ‘Mantzaros’ Philharmonic Band playing Kritkos’ ‘Marcia Trionfale’’
18.30 - Church of Holy Trinity in Garitsa.
19:30 Evensong of Love at the Metropolitan Church with the Archbishop of Corfu Nektarios reading the Gospels in all languages.

Sunday 28th

'Avengers: Endgame' at the Orfeas Cinema

Fantasy film directed by  Anthony Russo & Joe Russo.

Robert Downey Jr., Chris Evans, Mark Ruffalo

Sunday 28/4: 21:00 (2D)