What’s on (Exhibitions-Theatre-Events)

02 Mar 2019
/ 06:53
CORFU. Find out what΄s on in Corfu this weekend.
Saturday 2nd & Sunday 3rd
'The Vanishing' at the Orfeas Cinema

Mystery drama directed by Kristoffer Nyholm.
Starring: Gerard Butler, Peter Mullan, Connor Swindells
Thursday 28/2 - Wednesday 6/3: 22:00 (2D)
'The Favourite' at the Orfeas Cinema

Comedy drama directed by Yorgos Lanthimos.
Starring: Olivia Colman, Emma Stone, Rachel Weisz
Thursday 28/2 - Sunday 3/3: 19:30 (2D)
Roots and hidden human truths: Art exhibition by Irini Vazoukou at The Attic Gallery

The Attic Gallery, 1, Rizospaston Voulefton St (former French Institute), side entrance, 2nd floor.
Opening: Saturday 2 March, 7:30pm
Duration: until 20 March.
Visiting hours: Tue-Thur: 5-9pm. Fri-Sat: 12-9pm. Sunday: 12-3pm. Closed on Mondays.
Contact: www.theattic.gr, [email protected] , 26614.01198.
Corfu Carnival in the '80s - Photography exhibition by Lambis Kourkoulos

Corfu Photography Club exhibition at Alexis Dairy.
Club member Evaggelos (Lambis) Kourkoulos is putting on an exhibition of photos from the Corfu Carnival in the '80s.
΄Alexis΄ Dairy, Ag. Vasiliou 12, Pinia
Duration: 15 February - 10 March
Art Exhibition: Konstantinos Grammenos and Yiannis Hitiris at the Corfu Art Gallery

Exhibition of works by Konstantinos Grammenos and Yiannis Hitiris at the Corfu Art Gallery from 4 February to 3 March
Opening times: 09:00 - 14:00 / 18:00 - 21:00 Monday - Friday
Exhibition: "Far away...the island of salvation...the Serbs in Corfu (1916 - 18)"

As part of 2018 - European Year of Cultural Heritage the Antiquities Inspectorate is organizing an exhibition in the Latin Chapel in the Old Fortress.
The exhibition is about the Serbs in Corfu (1916 - 18).
Duration: 17/12/18 - 5/5/19
Opening hours: Daily 09:00 - 16:00
Information: 2661048310, 2661027935
The Art of Uzbekistan Carpets and Textiles at the Museum of Asian Art

The new permanent exhibition at the Museum of Asian Art ‘The Art of Central Asia’. The exhibits have been donated by Yiannis Sartzetakis and Ruth Dayton and include woven textiles, knitted textiles, clothing and jewels from 19th century Central Asia.
Weekend at Kantoni Estate
Spend unique Weekends at Kantoni Estate!
Reservation: 6988 799070 / 26630 23157
Live music evenings at `Stavrodromi` (The Crossroads) Grill house – Tavern in Pelekas
Every weekend for the whole winter season with renovated hall and live music.
Reservations: 26610 94274
Saturday 2nd
Karagiozis (shadow theatre) performance by Koom Koo Art at Polytechno

Karagiozis buried (and lost) under piles of rubbish "In the Land of Rubbish"
A new topical shadow theatre play written by Yiannis Poulopoulos!
Premiere on Saturday 2 March at 21:00
Scholemvourgou 39, New Fortress entrance.
Michalis Ralintzislive at 7 Arts Centre

Pre-sales: 12€
At the door: 14€
Bookings: 6974 354460
EPTA Arts Centre
Pre-sales at Korniza, Spyrou Arvanitaki 4 (opp. Giorgaki Sq.) & Corfuland shop, Alber Coen 2 (opp. Hondos Centre).
Sponsors: Mourayia Restaurant-bar, Scissors, Avli Restaurant-bar
"All Together for the Environment" - Meeting in Kato Garouna

A representative from Social Cooperative Enterprises (KOINSEP) will be giving a presentation in Kato Garouna.
17:00 at the Cultural Centre.
The topic will be "All Together for the Environment - Sorting at Source - the Circular Economy".
The presentation will be followed by a discussion.
Voluntary clean-up in Palaiokastritsa

Volunteers will be cleaning up in Palaiokastritsa starting at 10:00.
Spring Academy: `3 laloun` puppetry team is celebrating the Carnival at Casa Lucia (Sgombou)

11:30 – 13:30
Join us with your own homemade costumes!
Traditional games, dance, singing etc!
Info: 6976827420, 6980380190
Wig Night at Polytechno

Polytechno is organizing a carnival night with...wigs!
Scholemvourgou 39, New Fortress entrance
Carnival Party in Zygos

Zygos Cultural Society invites all locals - and everyone else - to its Carnival Party!
19:00 at the Society hall.
Carnival Party: Kato Garouna Primary & Nursery Schools

Kato Garouna Primary & Nursery Parents & Guardians Association is organizing its annual carnival party.
Primary School
Raffle with lots of prizes and a surprise prize for the best costume!
'Petegoletsa' in Chlomos

Chlomos ΄Thomas Palaiologos΄ Cultural Society is organizing a ΄Petegoletsa΄ performance.
The Society's drama group and Moraitika Choir will be taking part.
19:30 (following the village choir rehearsal)
Bowling Masque Party

Star Bowl (Alykes Potamou)
Bowling for children aged 4 and over.
Admission: 6€ (free for escorts)
Bowling, snacks, juices and face painting!
Corfu Epirus Society Annual Ball

Ionian Park Hotel
Clarinet: Nikos Philippidis
Singing: Costas and Lefkothea Philippidou
25 Euros - full menu and drinks included
Treasure Hunt
Corfu Maskarata (Masquerade) is organizing a Treasure Hunt starting in Kofineta and finishing in the Old Town Hall Square.
Saturday at Barba Thomas Taverna
Barba-Thomas Taverna welcomes you every Saturday to spend an unforgettable nights with its new musical programme.
Singers: Phanis Kazianis, Akis Gekos, Alexandra Koulouri, Bouzouki: Christos Mamalos, Drums: Tasos Pagratis, Piano and musical credits: Spiros Kontis.
Tel.: 26610 56935
Friday & Saturday evenings at Harry’s Taverna garden
Harry’s Taverna in Kontokali has live music evenings every Friday and Saturday
‘Odiki Voithia’ (Road Assistance) band.
Vangelis Moraitis: bouzouki
Alexis Kremonas: guitar
Yiorgos Pandis: accordion
Reservations: 6981686618
Live music evenings at Abakas traditional meze-bar
Abakas meze bar is organizing live music evenings every Saturday.
Artistic, folk and traditional songs.
Velissariou 30
Live music evenings at `San Paramithi` (Like a Fairytale) meze bar
Every Saturday at the Emporiko Kentro with live music and special dishes for an unforgettable winter, full of music and tastes!
Reservations: 26610 46598 / 6979 973991
Nikiforos at `54 Dreamy Nights` Club!
A live performance by Nikiforos!
Resident DJs: Michaelo Mike, Spiros Alexakis
Admission: 10 Euros with one drink
The Rebellions live at `Olea Bar`, Ipsos
The Corfu band The Rebellions live at Olea Bar, Ipsos
Admission free
Reservations: 6932 114259
Sunday 3rd
Venetian Carnival

Venetian Carnival - Parade with traditional dances by Corfu Greek Girls' Lycee
Parade with 'Sior Carnavalo'
Start: Methodiou St.
Route: Gervasiou - Evg. Voulgareos - Pentofanaro
Finish: Viktoros Dousmani St. Sior Carnavalo will be accompanied by his custodians - Corfu dance schools and other carnival characters!
5th Moraitika Carnival

All the Societies and Associations in Moraitika invite everyone to the 5th Moraitika Carnival.
The Carnival Parade begins at 15:30 and there will be a party in the village square.
Children's Carnival Party at `Stazi Meli`

12:00 – 14:00
Dance, music, singing, maypole, soap-bubbles, face painting, carnival crafts and…a dragon from China!
In collaboration with the `3 laloun` puppetry team with Popi Triandafyllou
Children's Carnival Party
Organized by Corfu Masquerade
16:00 at the Municipal Theatre
Admission free