Monday 10.03.2025 ΚΕΡΚΥΡΑ

Association "For Our Children": Good attendance and interest at the seminar on Special Education

special education
27 Nov 2017 / 14:53

CORFU. A seminar on Special Education was organized by the Association "For Our Children" on Saturday afternoon. The conference, entitled "The Challenge of Development for parents, doctors, therapists and educators", was held in the lecture hall of the Ionian University History Department.

The hall was packed and attendees included parents, doctors, therapists and teachers.

Speaking to Enimerosi, the neurologist, Kostas Spingos, said, "What distinguished it from other similar seminars was its multi-disciplinary approach, since it covered a wide range of specialties, with some of the top scientists in Greece participating.”

Among the invited speakers was Spyros Gianniotis, who due to other obligations was not able to attend, but sent a short video message to all children experiencing learning difficulties, as he himself had. 'Difficulties should not make us give up – on the contrary, they should make us stronger," said the Corfu Olympic Medal Winner.